1>Polythenes lead to blockage of drains and hence add to several other problems like water-logging during the rainy season
2>The small plastics, accumulated in the soil years after years, lead to the infertility of soil as these contain certain toxic substances
3>burning polythene bags below 7000 degrees Celsius release dioxin and hydrogen cyanide, the most carcinogenic and toxic substances, which on inhalation cause severe and chronic health problems
4>Polyethylene is not considered biodegradable, as it takes several centuries until it is efficiently degraded.
5>As plastic ages or is exposed to heat or stress, it releases trace amounts of harmful ingredients like bisphenol-a (BPA) and of course phthalates. BPA is in everything from baby bottles to can linings, while phthalates are found in toys as well as vinyl shower curtains. These chemicals enter our bodies through food, water or dust we consume or even absorption through skin. Ingredients like BPA and phthalates are endocrine disrupters, which mimic hormones, and can cause vast changes in the body, especially the small children. Animal studies on BPA have found that low-dose exposure, particularly during pregnancy, may be associated with serious illnesses, including deadly cancer and reproductive problems. The medically trained specialists can throw more on this. Some human studies on phthalates linked exposure to declining sperm quality in adult males, while other linked it to early puberty in girls.
A small step by the local administration is all praise worth that the efforts have been made to stop the deadly plastic, then let it be with the banning of plastic polythene bags. The peoples' co-operation is needed and without which nothing shall be materialized.
-->Report shows “Effects of Polythenes used in Uganda”
-->Plastics in the Environment...
-->Quick Facts On PLASTIC Pollution...
The Garbage Patch
I hope other people will leave their feedback and thoughts on this post. It's important that we tackle real issues, and don't get caught up in greenwashing and hype - we need the best facts and to get the the closest to the truth that we can get to make such decisions: playing political and financial games in either direction is just irrespsonsible.
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